Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds Technology and Market Research Report 2024



Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds Technology and Market Research Report 2024


Report Summary


Rubidium (Rh) and cesium (Cs) are both rare metals with many characteristics. The most promising places for the extensive use of rubidium and cesium are in several modern technologies. Based on recent scientific research, cesium has been regarded as one of the most promising metals of the space age.

Rubidium and cesium were discovered relatively late. In 1860, the famous German chemist Bunsen and physicist Kirchhoff first discovered cesium from Durkheim mineral water in Germany using spectroscopic analysis methods. The following year, rubidium was also discovered in the same mineral water and named after the color of their spectral lines. The Latin for cesium is sky blue, while rubidium means golden red.

Rubidium is very dispersed in the Earth's crust, and no pure rubidium mineral has been discovered yet. Rubidium is often present in small amounts in lithium mica and biotite. The rubidium content in lithium mica can reach 3.75%, making it the main mineral source for extracting rubidium. Although the rubidium content in carnallite is not high, its reserves are large. The seawater contains about 0.121 grams/ton of rubidium, and many mineral waters and salt lake brines also contain a high amount of rubidium. The lithium mica in Yichun, China contains 1.2-1.4% Rb2O, and the underground brine in Zigong, Sichuan also contains rubidium.

Cesium has not been industrially applied for over 60 years since its production. Cesium was used to manufacture phototubes starting in 1926, but the usage was minimal. Before World War I, only Germany produced a small amount of cesium, with a production capacity of only a few thousand grams. In the 1930s, the United States began producing cesium. During World War II, the use of cesium as a photosensitive material increased, but its application was limited due to its high price and scarcity. In 1957, the United States successfully developed a method for recovering cesium and rubidium from the mother liquor of lithium extraction from lithium mica - a mixed carbonate alkali solution (containing 2% Cs2O and 23% Rb2O), which led to a sudden increase in cesium production. Cesium, as a byproduct of lithium production, has a low cost and a significant decrease in price, greatly promoting its application and research on its properties. Since the 1960s, cesium has been applied in atomic clocks, optical instruments, lasers, organic synthesis, and other fields. At the same time, various methods for extracting cesium have been developed, achieving a considerable level of metallurgical technology for cesium extraction, continuously improving product quality, and further reducing prices.

  By conducting professional research from multiple perspectives and angles, we aim to answer several questions that are of great concern to industry professionals, including:

1. What are the current technological status and development trends of rubidium/cesium and their compounds?

2. What is the current demand for rubidium/cesium and their compounds? What is the potential for growth?

3. What is the current production status of rubidium/cesium and their compounds? What is the growth potential?

4. What is the distribution of rubidium/cesium resources?

5. What is the sales status and sales channels of rubidium/cesium and their compounds?

6. Market price situation and price trend of rubidium/cesium and their compounds.

Through the 2023-2024 "Research Report on Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds Technology and Market", industry professionals can gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the development of the entire rubidium/cesium and its compounds industry, enabling them to make more accurate investment decisions.



Chapter 1: Overview of Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds 7

1.1 Basic Overview of Rubidium/Cesium 7

1.1.1 Basic Overview of Rubidium 7

1.1.2 Basic Overview of Cesium 8

1.2 Basic physicochemical properties of rubidium/cesium 9

1.2.1 Basic Physical and Chemical Properties of Rubidium 9

1.2.2 Basic Physical and Chemical Properties of Cesium 9

1.3 Packaging, storage, and transportation of rubidium/cesium

1.3.1 Packaging, storage, and transportation of rubidium

1.3.2 Packaging, Storage, and Transportation of Cesium 11

1.4 Basic Overview of Rubidium/Cesium Compounds and Their Alloys 12

1.4.1 Basic Overview of Rubidium Compounds and Their Alloys 12

1.4.2 Basic Overview of Cesium Compounds and Their Alloys 14

Chapter 2: Extraction Process and Research Progress of Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds 15

2.1 Extraction process and research progress of rubidium and its compounds 15

2.1.1 Extraction process and research progress of rubidium and its compounds 15

2.1.2 Purification of Rubidium Compounds and Preparation Technology of Metal Rubidium 18

2.2 Extraction methods and research progress of cesium and its compounds 20

2.2.1 Precipitation Method 20

2.2.2 Ion exchange method 20

2.2.3 Solvent Extraction Method 24

2.2.4 Volatile Method 25

2.3 Quality indicators of rubidium/cesium and their compounds 26

Chapter 3: Production and Development Forecast of Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds 29

3.1 Production Status of Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds 29

3.1.1 Production Status of Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds Abroad 29

3.1.2 Production Status of Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds in China 29

3.2 Statistics of Major Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compound Production Enterprises in China 32

3.3 Overview of Major Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compound Production Enterprises in China 33


Chapter 4: Applications of Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds 37

4.1 Application of Rubidium and Its Compounds 37

4.1.1 As frequency and time standards 38

4.1.2 Energy 38

4.1.3 Special Glass 39

4.1.4 Electronics 39

4.1.5 Medical 40

4.1.6 Other aspects 40

4.2 Application of Cesium and Its Compounds 41

4.2.1 Cesium atomic clock 41

4.2.2 Radiotherapy 42

4.2.3 RAMON Steel Liquid Level Control Instrument 42

Chapter 5: Consumption Analysis and Prediction of Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds 43

5.2 Analysis and Prediction of Rubidium and Its Compounds Consumption 44

5.3 Consumption Analysis and Prediction of Cesium and Its Compounds 45

Chapter 6: Market Prices and Price Analysis of Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds 46

6.1 Market prices of rubidium/cesium and their compounds 46

6.1.1 Current market prices of rubidium/cesium and their compounds 46

6.1.2 Historical market prices of rubidium and its compounds 47

6.1.3 Historical market prices of cesium and its compounds 48

6.2 Market Price Analysis and Prediction of Rubidium/Cesium and Its Compounds 50

Chapter 7: Rubidium/Cesium Resources and Development and Utilization Status 51

7.1 Rubidium Resources and Development Utilization Status 51

7.1.1 World Rubidium Resources and Development Utilization Status 51

7.1.2 Rubidium Resources and Development Utilization in China 52

7.2 Development and Utilization of Cesium Resources 53

7.2.1 World Cesium Resources and Development Utilization Status 53

7.2.2 Cesium Resources and Development Utilization in China 54

Chapter 8, Conclusion and Suggestions 61

Chapter 9: Relevant Information on Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds (Attachment) 63

Reference List 63

Legal Disclaimer: 64


24 tables and legends


Table 1.1 Basic Physical and Chemical Properties of Rubidium 9

Table 1.2 Basic Physical and Chemical Properties of Cesium 9

Table 1.3 Classification of Main Rubidium Compounds Table 12

Table 1.4 Classification of Main Cesium Compounds Table 14

Figure 2.1 Process flow diagram of zeolite separation and extraction of K+, Rb+, and cs+from brine 21

Figure 2.2 Process flowchart for extracting rubidium and cesium using ammonium phosphomolybdate 22

Figure 2.3 Process flowchart for extracting rubidium and cesium 24

Table 2.1 Quality indicators of metal rubidium/cesium Table 26

Table 2.2 Quality indicators of rubidium chloride/cesium chloride Table 26

Table 2.3 Quality Indicators of Cesium Carbonate Table 27

Table 2.4 Quality indicators of rubidium nitrate Table 27

Table 2.5 Quality Indicators of Rubidium Carbonate Table 28

Table 3.1 Statistics of Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds Production from 2024 to 2025 Table 32

Table 3.2 Current Major Manufacturers and Production Capacity of Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds in China Table 32

Table 5.1 Main uses of rubidium cesium and its compounds Table 43

Table 5.2 Demand Forecast for Rubidium and Its Compounds from 2022 to 2025 Table 45

Table 5.3 Statistical Table of Cesium and Its Compounds Production from 2022 to 2025 45

Table 6.1 Market Prices of Major Rubidium/Cesium and Their Compounds in December 2023 46

Table 6.2 Market Prices of Metal Rubidium and Its Compounds in 2023-2024

Figure 6.1 Price Trend of Metal Rubidium Market in 2023-2024 47

Figure 6.2 Market price trend of rubidium compounds from 2023 to 2024 48

Table 6.3 Market Prices of Cesium Metal and Its Compounds in 2023-2024 48

Figure 6.3 Price Trend of Cesium Metal Market from 2023 to 2024

Figure 6.4 Market price trend of cesium compounds from 2023 to 2024