Analysis of the current situation of rubidium metal market in 2024



Analysis of the current situation of rubidium metal market in 2024


Rubidium metal is an important industrial raw material widely used in multiple fields. This article aims to analyze the current status of the rubidium metal market, including supply and demand relationships, price trends, market share, and major market participants, providing reference and decision-making basis for relevant practitioners.

Supply and demand relationship


The supply of rubidium metal mainly relies on the mining and refining of rubidium ore. At present, the main rubidium ore producing areas in the world include Canada, Russia, and Australia. In addition, rubidium metal can also be supplied through recycling and reuse. The suppliers mainly include rubidium metal ore producers, chemical enterprises, and recycling and processing enterprises.


The demand for rubidium metal mainly comes from industries such as electronics, chemical, and aerospace. Among them, the demand for rubidium metal in the electronics industry dominates, used for manufacturing electrolytes, energy storage devices, etc. The demand for rubidium metal in the chemical industry is mainly for catalysts and catalytic reactions. The demand for rubidium metal in the aerospace industry is mainly for propellants and electric rockets. With the rapid development of electronic products and aerospace technology, the demand for rubidium metal is showing an increasing trend.

Price Trend

International market prices

The international market price of rubidium metal is influenced by various factors, including supply and demand, geopolitics, economic situation, etc. In recent years, the price of rubidium metal has shown an upward trend. The main reason is that the supply is relatively tight, and driven by the continuous growth of demand, the market supply and demand are imbalanced. In addition, the increase in geopolitical risks also has a certain impact on prices.

Domestic market price

China is one of the world's largest markets for rubidium metal, and domestic market prices are mainly influenced by international market prices. However, due to the high demand in the Chinese market and relatively stable supply chain, domestic market prices are relatively stable. However, the increase in demand and supply pressure may lead to a rise in domestic prices.

market share

Main market participants

At present, the competitive landscape of the global rubidium metal market is relatively dispersed. The main market participants include:

1. Global rubidium metal producers, such as Alkane Resources, SQM, etc;

2. Chemical companies such as BASF, Akzo Nobel, etc;

3. Electronic product manufacturers such as Huawei, Apple, etc;

4. Recycling and processing enterprises, such as Sims Metal Management.

Market share distribution

According to market research data, the current global market share distribution of rubidium metal is as follows:

•Alkane Resources: 25%

•SQM: 20%

•BASF: 15%

•Akzo Nobel: 10%

• Other: 30%


From the analysis of supply and demand, price trends, and market share, the following conclusions can be drawn:

5. The supply of rubidium metal is relatively tight, and with the growth of demand, the imbalance between market supply and demand may further intensify;

6. The international market price of rubidium metal is showing an upward trend, while the price in the Chinese market is relatively stable. However, the increase in supply and demand pressure may lead to a rise in domestic prices;

7. The competitive landscape of the global rubidium metal market is relatively scattered, with major market participants including rubidium metal producers, chemical companies, electronic product manufacturers, and recycling and processing enterprises.

In summary, the rubidium metal market is currently facing tight supply and demand, rising prices, and intensified competition. Market participants should pay attention to market dynamics, adjust their supply chain and pricing strategies reasonably, in order to improve market competitiveness.