Analysis of the Market Size of Lithium Metal 2023-2029



Analysis of the Market Size of Lithium Metal 2023-2029

Lithium metal (Li), a silver white soft metal, is the lightest metal found in nature. In the air, it easily reacts with oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, reacts violently with water, burns, and even explodes. Lithium metal has excellent characteristics such as the lowest electronegativity, high specific heat, and conductivity, making it an important material for producing various lithium-ion batteries. It can also be used to prepare other lithium alloys and rubber, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.

Analysis of the overall scale of global lithium metal

In 2022, the global lithium metal market sales reached 4762 tons, and it is expected to reach 8205 tons by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.44% (2023-2029)

At the regional level, the Chinese market has undergone rapid changes in the past few years. In 2022, the market sales reached 3064 tons, accounting for approximately 64.34% of the global market. It is expected to reach 5222 tons by 2029, with a global market share of 63.64%.

In terms of consumption, China is currently the world's largest consumer market, accounting for 64.34% of the sales market share in 2022, followed by North America and Europe with 16.65% and 12.73% respectively.

From a production perspective, China is an important production region with a market share of 81.29% in 2022.

From the perspective of product types, battery grade lithium metal occupies an important position, and it is expected that its sales share will reach 54.30% in 2029.

From the perspective of manufacturers, globally, core lithium metal manufacturers mainly include Ganfeng Lithium, Tianqi Lithium, Albemarle, CNNC Jianzhong, Zhongneng Lithium, Shengxin Lithium, Rosatom (TVEL Fuel Company), Livent, and Hongwei Lithium. In 2022, the market share of the top five global producers exceeded 76%.

Opportunities and main driving factors for the development of lithium metal industry

The development of solid-state lithium batteries

Due to the main development trend of solid-state lithium batteries, which is to replace the existing silicon carbon negative electrode with a negative electrode composed entirely of metallic lithium to increase battery energy density, if this solid-state battery technology becomes popular in the future, the demand for metallic lithium may increase.

Emerging market demand

Some emerging markets, such as electric aviation and electric ships, have an increasing demand for high energy density and lightweight, which will also provide opportunities for the lithium metal market.

Improvement of battery technology

With the continuous improvement and optimization of battery technology, the performance of electric vehicles and energy storage systems continues to improve, further promoting the demand for metallic lithium.

Risks faced by the development of lithium metal industry

Supply chain instability

The main raw material for metallic lithium comes from lithium ore, and the mining and supply of lithium ore are influenced by geological, environmental regulations, and geopolitical factors. The instability of the supply chain may lead to fluctuations in the price of metallic lithium, thereby affecting the stable development of industries such as lithium-ion batteries.

Price fluctuations

The metal market is often influenced by various factors such as global macroeconomics, political events, supply and demand relationships, which may lead to fluctuations in lithium metal prices. Price fluctuations may have an impact on the costs of battery manufacturers and electric vehicle manufacturers, thereby affecting the stability of the entire industry chain.

Over reliance on a certain region for supply

The excessive dependence of the lithium metal industry on the supply of a certain region may lead to excessive market concentration, increasing the risk of the industry being affected by factors such as politics or natural disasters in specific regions.

This report studies the production capacity, output, sales volume, sales revenue, prices, and future trends of metallic lithium in the global and Chinese markets. Focus on analyzing the product characteristics, specifications, prices, sales volume, sales revenue, and market share of major manufacturers in the global and Chinese markets.

The main manufacturers include:

Ganfeng Lithium Industry

China Lithium  products  technology Industry(CLPC)


China Nuclear Construction Corporation (CNNC)

Zhongneng Lithium Industry

Shengxin Lithium Energy

Rosatom(TVELFuel Company)


According to different product types, including the following categories:

Industrial grade lithium metal

Battery grade lithium metal

According to different applications, it mainly includes the following aspects:

Synthetic alloy


Battery negative electrode material


Focus on the following regions:

North America




The main text of this article consists of 10 chapters, with the following main contents:

Chapter 1: Report on Statistical Scope, Product Segmentation, Major Downstream Markets, Industry Background, Development History, Current Status, and Trends

Chapter 2: Global Overall Scale (Capacity, Production, Sales, Demand, Sales Revenue, etc., 2018-2029)

Chapter 3: Competitive analysis of major lithium metal manufacturers worldwide, including lithium metal production capacity, sales volume, revenue, market share, price, origin, and industry concentration analysis,China Lithium  products  technology Industry(CLPC)

Chapter 4: Analysis of Major Regions for Global Lithium Metal, Including Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, etc

Chapter 5: Introduction to the Basic Information of Major Global Lithium Metal Manufacturers, including Company Introduction, Lithium Metal Product Models, Sales Volume, Revenue, Prices, and Latest News

Chapter 6: Global Sales, Revenue, Prices, and Shares of Lithium Metal of Different Product Types

Chapter 7: Global Sales, Revenue, Prices, and Shares of Lithium Metal in Different Applications

Chapter 8: Industry Chain, Upstream and Downstream Analysis, Sales Channel Analysis, etc

Chapter 9: Industry Dynamics, Growth Drivers, Development Opportunities, Favorable Factors, Adverse and Obstructive Factors, Industry Policies, etc

Chapter 10: Report Conclusion