To more specifically quantify the material composition and cost of lithium iron phosphate, ternary (nickel cobalt manganese, NCM), and sodium batteries, we can estimate based on general industry data and assumptions.



To more specifically quantify the material composition and cost of lithium iron phosphate, ternary (nickel cobalt manganese, NCM), and sodium batteries, we can estimate based on general industry data and assumptions. 

Please note that these data may vary due to actual production processes, fluctuations in raw material prices, and specific battery specifications.

01    Proportion of material composition

1. Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery

Positive electrode material: approximately 30% -35% of the total weight (with lithium iron phosphate as the main component).

Negative electrode material: approximately 10% -12% of the total weight (mainly graphite).

Electrolyte: Approximately 10% -12% of the total weight (mainly composed of organic liquid electrolytes).

Diaphragm: Approximately 2% -3% of the total weight (mainly made of polypropylene film or polytetrafluoroethylene film).

2. Three element (NCM) battery

Positive electrode material: approximately 25% -35% of the total weight (nickel cobalt manganese ternary material).

Negative electrode material: approximately 10% -15% of the total weight (mainly graphite, some high-end models may use silicon carbon composite materials).

Electrolyte: Approximately 10% -15% of the total weight (similar to lithium iron phosphate, but may vary due to formulation differences).

Diaphragm: Approximately 2% -3% of the total weight (similar to lithium iron phosphate).

3. Sodium battery

Positive electrode material: approximately 30% -40% of the total weight (specific materials such as Prussian blue, layered oxides, etc.).

Negative electrode material: approximately 10% -15% of the total weight (such as hard carbon, soft carbon, etc.).

Electrolyte: Approximately 10% -15% of the total weight (specific electrolyte for sodium ions).

Diaphragm: Approximately 2% -3% of the total weight (similar to lithium batteries).

02   cost analysis 

1. Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery

The cost of positive electrode materials accounts for approximately 25% -30% of the total cost (taking into account fluctuations in raw material prices).

The cost of negative electrode materials accounts for about 10% of the total cost.

The cost of electrolyte and separator accounts for approximately 5% -7% of the total cost.

Manufacturing cost: approximately 20% -25% of the total cost (including assembly, packaging, testing, etc.).

Recycling cost: about 5% of the total cost (may decrease in the future with the improvement of recycling technology).

2. Three element (NCM) battery

The cost of positive electrode materials accounts for approximately 35% -40% of the total cost (due to significant fluctuations in the prices of metals such as nickel and cobalt).

Negative electrode material cost: approximately 10% -12% of the total cost (including graphite and possible new materials).

Electrolyte and diaphragm costs: The total cost accounts for about 5% -8% of the total cost (considering the application of high-end electrolytes).

Manufacturing cost: approximately 20% of the total cost.

Recycling cost: accounting for about 5% of the total cost, but the recycling of high-value metals may bring additional benefits.

3. Sodium battery

The cost of positive electrode materials accounts for approximately 25% -35% of the total cost (depending on raw material supply and processing costs).

Negative electrode material cost: accounting for about 10% -15% of the total cost (hard carbon, soft carbon and other materials have relatively lower costs).

Electrolyte cost: about 5% -10% of the total cost (sodium ion electrolyte cost may be lower than lithium batteries).

Diaphragm cost: approximately 2% -3% of the total cost.

Manufacturing cost: approximately 25% -30% of the total cost (may be higher initially due to immature technology).

Recycling cost: accounting for about 5% of the total cost, but the recycling system is not yet mature and the cost may change in the future.

03  summary

There are differences in material composition and cost between different types of lithium and sodium batteries, which mainly depend on the type and cost of their positive electrode materials, 

the selection of negative electrode materials, and the formulation of the electrolyte.

In the future, with the advancement of technology and large-scale production, costs are expected to be further reduced, 

and the application of new materials will also promote the improvement of battery performance.

 For sodium batteries, their cost structure may undergo significant changes due to increased technological maturity and market acceptance.