Lithium carbonate industry trends



In 2024, the main developments in the lithium carbonate industry include the following aspects:

1、Global lithium resource supply situation: Global lithium resources may continue to be surplus in 2024.

In 2023, the global production capacity of lithium carbonate will be approximately 1.54 million tons of lithium carbonate equivalent,

 and it is expected to exceed 2 million tons of lithium carbonate equivalent by 2024. 

The supply of lithium resources is expected to reach 1.3 million tons of lithium carbonate equivalent in 2024, an increase of about 28% from 1.05 million tons in 2023.

2. Policies for China's lithium carbonate industry : According to Tencent News, policies for China's lithium carbonate industry mainly focus on regulatory policies,

 involving support for raw material safety assurance, related technological development, downstream lithium battery industry development, 

and coordinated development of resource regional industrial chains. 

At the national level, policies also include regulating mining and utilization, promoting green and sustainable development in the industry, and other aspects. 

The planning of lithium carbonate industry in various provinces and cities mainly focuses on ensuring raw material resources, industrial clusters, 

technological breakthroughs, and green and energy-saving development.

In summary, the major breakthroughs in the lithium carbonate industry in 2024 are mainly reflected in the growth of production capacity 

and the standardization of industry policies. 

The oversupply of global lithium resources may lead to price pressure, 

while China's policies focus more on industry standardization and sustainable development.