Methanesulfonyl chloride



Methanesulfonyl chloride, also known as methane sulfonyl chloride, 

is a colorless or slightly yellow liquid that is insoluble in water but soluble in ethanol and ether. 

It has a melting point of -32 ℃ and a boiling point of 164 ℃, and is corrosive. 

It is mainly used as an analytical reagent. 

It is the raw material for producing methanesulfonic acid. 

Flammable when exposed to open flames or high heat. 

Can react with strong oxidants. Toxic and corrosive gases are produced through high-temperature decomposition. 

Corrosive. The combustion product is hydrogen chloride.

Main purpose

1、Methanesulfonyl chloride is highly reactive with compounds containing active hydrogen 

and can be used to react with amino and hydroxyl groups to introduce methane sulfonyl groups. 

This product can be used as a raw material for the production of methanesulfonic acid, 

as a catalyst for esterification and polymerization reactions, as a stabilizer for liquid sulfur dioxide, 

as a chlorinating agent for anthraquinone and carbazole reduction dyes,

as a quick drying agent for drying oil inks and coatings, as a dyeing improver for polyester, 

as a color regulator for color photos, as a condensing agent for toluene, naphthalene and formaldehyde, 

and as a dyeing aid for wool. It is also widely used as a raw material for pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

2. It is the raw material for producing methanesulfonic acid. 

The prepared methyl sulfonamide is an important intermediate in fine chemical products, 

which can be widely used as a synthetic raw material for pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

3. Used as an analytical reagent.

Health hazards

Invasion routes: inhalation, ingestion, transdermal absorption.

Health hazards: This product has strong irritants to mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. 

Inhalation can cause spasms, edema, inflammation, etc. in the throat and bronchi.

Protective measures

Respiratory protection: When the concentration in the air is high, a gas mask should be worn. 

Wear self-contained breathing apparatus during emergency rescue or evacuation.

Eye protection: Wear chemical safety goggles.

Protective clothing: Wear work clothes (made of anti-corrosion materials).

Hand protection: Wear rubber gloves.

Other: After work, take a shower and change clothes. Store clothes contaminated with toxic substances separately, 

wash them before use. Pay attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness.

Emergency measures

Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and rinse thoroughly with soap and water. 

If there are burns, seek medical treatment.

Eye contact: Immediately lift the eyelids and rinse with flowing water or saline solution for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.

Inhalation: Quickly leave the scene and move to a place with fresh air. 

Keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. If necessary, perform artificial respiration. Seek medical attention.

Ingestion: Rinse the mouth immediately when the patient is awake and drink milk or egg white. Seek medical attention.

Fire extinguishing method: dry powder, sand, carbon dioxide, foam.

Leakage handling

Evacuate personnel from the contaminated area to a safe zone, 

prohibit unrelated personnel from entering the contaminated area, and cut off the fire source. 

It is recommended that emergency responders wear self-contained breathing apparatus and chemical protective clothing. 

Do not come into direct contact with the leaked material and seal the leak while ensuring safety. Spray water to reduce evaporation. 

Mix sand or other non combustible adsorbents for absorption, collect and transport to waste disposal sites for disposal. 

It is also possible to brush with lotion made of incombustible dispersant, and the diluted washing water is discharged into the wastewater system. 

If there is a large amount of leakage: use embankments to contain it, then collect, transfer, recycle or dispose of it harmlessly before disposal.